Przygotowanie do druku mały format
Small format
Preparation of files for printing
- 1. FILES
Your files can be delivered to our company on media such as CD, DVD, USB memory, or saved directly to our FTP server . After logging in to the server, in the "Public" catalog, you should set up your own folder into which you will be able to upload next files. Please note that the ARW Focus has no obligation to archive the files.
IMPORTANT! Saving files on the FTP server is not equivalent to placing an order! Each request should be confirmed in writing (e-mail ) to the sales department which supports your company. The proper form of order is established in the "General conditions of cooperation." - 2. FILE NAME
The file name should include: name of company, type of material, file format, number of pieces and the resolution and print size in centimeters.
Our programs take different file types, including TIFF, EPS, JPG, PDF, both CMYK and RGB mode. However, you should note that ripping the image in RGB mode may cause a significant deviations colors expected from the achieved. The result is usually much worse than using the CMYK mode.
If your projects contain neuralgic colors (e.g. company logos ), which have to be accurately mapped to our print please attach to the order a proof print ( Cromalin, matchprint ) . ARW Focus is not responsible for any deviation from the expected color if the customer does not provide printed proof, or does not approve it directly in our company.
The optimal resolution of print file does not result of printing technology or even the resolution of the printing device. Theoretically, the higher the resolution of the file, the better the print, but in the case of large-format solvent printings should be taken into account first of all the distance at which the work will be viewed.
Files, the format of which exceeds the size of available media are shared by our designers for parts. While the customer does not specify how nesting work, in most cases, they are divided into equal parts with the suitable overlap, e.g. 2- 5cm
Before sending file for the printing the final size should be carefully checked! Some programs tamper sizes while export, even changing the proportion of dimensions (e.g.Corel ). In the case of file in postscript format *. EPS it should be checked by opening it, e.g. in the PHOTOSHOP. For files in postscript format it is advised to prepare a simple proof as *. JPG, which allow us to make sure that the file looks the same with us as with you. We recommend to choose the format and the compression ratio, so that our employees can detect any problems with small parts, lettering, etc. You should save the file in CMYK mode without using profiles, and then evaluate its colouring.