Zasady współpracy
Your guide to the world of digital printing
1. Scope of validity.
1.1. The following terms of cooperation concern all customers of ARW Focus
1.2. The exception are customers who have a separate written agreement with ARW Focus.
2. Placing an order by the Customer and acceptance for realization by ARW Focus.
2.1. Orders are accepted only in a documented form (e.g. by e-mail).
2.2. The order should contain all the data needed for it’s realization.
2.3. The order should precisely specify:
- - Customer data in accordance with the registration document to which an
invoice should be issued, including an active Euro-NIP number in case of a
Customer from European Union (in case of active NIP absence, calculations will
be regulated according to Polish VAT ) - - Type of material used in order
- - Required resolution and printing technology (digital, solvent, UV)
- - Print format (exact dimension)
- - Quantity
- - Processing method
- - The method of confection and packing (for non-standard realizations)
- - Special requirements (if concerns)
- - The name and location of the file
- - Expected shipping date
- - Defining the courier company or carrier
- - Shipping data
- - Expected delivery date
- - Payment and delivery terms
3. Changes to the order / order cancellation
3.1. The customer is obligated to notify in writing any changes to the order as well as the cancellation of the order. He is also obligated to obtain confirmation from ARW Focus.
3.2. In case of Customer later changes, as a result of which it will be necessary to make repeated prints, including test prints, the costs of restarting production are borne by the Customer.
3.3. In case of cancellation of the order, the Customer bears the costs of producing the order - 100% (with VAT tax value) of the canceled order and the costs of its utilization.
4. Graphic files and test prints
4.1. ARW Focus is not responsible for any errors in graphic files provided by the Customer - including typing, spelling, punctuation, grammar and etc. errors, as well as errors in size or color.
4.2. The Customer is obliged to approve the test prints, if they were included in the subject of the order. Such a test print is valid only for a given order and can not be used for another subject of the order.
4.3. ARW Focus is not responsible for any errors overlooked by the Customer in the proofs.
4.4. No Customer’s objections to the printout until the order is processed, is iqual to acceptance of the product compatible with a test printout, particular with its colors.
4.5. If Customer didn’t request for printout test ARW Focus is not responsible for differance in needed coulours, and any other misteakes overlooked by Customer.
4.6. For violation of the third parties rights, resulting from the content of the Client’s file the Customer is solely responsible.
4.7. ARW Focus reserves the right to place own logo on products in the case of prints sponsored by ARW Focus or agreement with the customer.
4.8. Correct preparation of files for print is described in detail in the Specification:
4.9. ARW Focus do not take responibilty for Customer files prepared incompatible to the Specification.
4.10.ARW Focus will make every effort to correct any errors that may occur and / or will inform the Customer about the need for correction. Responsibility for errors in the file rests only on Customer.
5. Order realization dates.
5.1. Informations about deadlines, as well as other informations related with order, are provided by ARW Focus Commercial Office.
5.2. Realization date is calculated from agreeing the final details regarding quality, quantity, date, price, approval of proofs, delivery of files, materials and other specific requirements not listed here and confirmation of the transfer (if required).
5.3. The final realization date of the subject of the order depends on the time of fulfillment by the customer the agreed requirements. All orders and arrangements sent after 11:30 a.m. any working day are transferred to the next working day
5.4. The agreed date of order fulfillment may change in the case of changing the range of the order, as well as in the case of the customer's failure to fulfill his obligations. In those cases, the date goes under new negotiations.
5.5. In the case of obstacles of a higher nature, circumstances not dependent on ARW Focus, which occurred after the acceptance of the order, if they had a significant impact on the realization, the realization date and, consequently, the date of the planned shipment to the customer may change.
5.6. This also applies to circumstances attributable to suppliers.
5.7. ARW Focus shall immediately inform the customer about the risk of the timely execution of the order.
5.8. If it is not possible to execute the order as planned, agreed with the customer, ARW Focus will determine the fastest possible date of order realizations and inform the customer immediately.
5.9. ARW Focus is not risponsible for damages resulting from the occurrence of higher nature obstacles.
5.10. For delay coused by ARW Focus, Customer can get a discount in the amount of up to 10% of the value of the order not completed on time..
6. Order realization
6.1. The order realization process is conducted under supervised conditions and monitored - starting from the printing process, through processing and packaging and delivery of the order to the courier - in accordance with the requirements of the standard ISO 9001: 20015 Quality Management Systems.
6.2. The realization process is carried out by qualified and competent personnel.
6.3. The packing method is agreed with the client depending on the order: Focus standard or packing according to client's requirements.
6.4. ARW Focus guarantees the correct packaging of order in a manner that protects against damage, destruction, loss of the expected quality by following established internal packaging standards.
6.5. In the case of packing the order according to the requirements specified by the Customer (apart from the Focus standard), the Customer is required to document the non-standard method of packing by its detailed description; a dedicated, nonstandard packaging method is subject to additional pricing.
6.6. In the case of packaging beside the standard, ARW Focus is not responsible for damage, destruction of the subject of the order, reduction in quality, if the packaging method has been specified by the Customer.
6.7. In this case, the customer has no right to make complain for loss of quality, damage or destruction.
6.8. At the Customer's request, ARW Focus will provide the Customer with photo documentation confirming the correctness and quality of production and packaging of the subject of the order.
7. Customer property
7.1. ARW Focus will make every effort to ensure that the customer's property (materials, components, personal data, graphic files) related to the order is properly supervised, used and secured against access by third parties.
7.2. After completing the order, ARW Focus stores the Customer's materials for 2 weeks. After this time, they are removed and utilized.
7.3. Each property entrusted by the customer related to the execution of the order is protected against damage, destruction and loss.
7.4. If the property of the Customer for any reason is found to be unsuitable to be use, ARW Focus will inform the Client about it.
7.5. ARW Focus carries out orders on materials entrusted by the Customer.
7.6. ARW Focus is not responsible for the quality of the customer's materials and the resulting print quality.
7.7. ARW Focus reserves the right to use photos of the products made for the Customer as samples of technical capabilities, in accordance with the provisions of RODO, if the Customer has not previously stipulated it.
7.8. ARW Focus has the right to place the Customer's logo on its website. exclusively on the basis of a written acceptance by the Customer.
8. Shipping, assumption of risk.
8.1. ARW Focus guarantees to the Customer the shipment within the specified time and mode via an agreed courier company or carrier.
8.2. ARW Focus will make every effort to ensure that the subject of the order is delivered at the agreed time.
8.3. Detailed information on parcel delivery times can be found on the carrier's website.
8.4. ARW Focus provides shipment insurance for the time of transport only upon written order and cost of the Customer.
8.5. If the shipment of the goods is delayed at the request or through the fault of the Customer, storage of the abovementioned goods is also at the expense and risk of the Customer.
8.6. Any changes to the terms of delivery made by the Customer after shipment of the item, including changes to the place or date, may incur additional costs, which shall be borne by the Customer.
8.7. If the goods cannot be delivered to the Customer for reasons attributable to the Customer, all costs associated with reshipment or storage shall be borne by the Customer.
8.8. ARW Focus shall not be redponsible for failure in keeping the delivery date, destruction or loss of the item during transport by the courier company or carrier,if it is a consequence of circumstances attributable to the transport provider.
8.9. The risk of loss of the object of the order passes to the Customer at the time of the release of the parcel to the courier company or the carrier.
9. Collecting the order.
9.1. The customer should check upon receipt of the shipment:
- - The condition of the packaging of the delivered parcel
- - Conformity in quantitative terms
9.2. After receiving the printouts, the customer should immediately check them in terms of:
- - Compatibility with the subject of the order.
- - Correctness of order execution.
- - Quality - in accordance with the attached guidelines: Product quality assessment.
- - Dimensions - according to the guidelines: Dimension tolerance table.
9.3. If the order does not specify the mode of delivery and the recipient's address, the Customer is obliged to collect the order personally at the ARW Focus office, on Klimasa Street 6 in Wroclaw.
9.4. In case the ordering person does not collect the the order within the agreed timeframe (not longer than 7 days after the agreed timeframe) ARW Focus shall send the order to the Customer at his/her expense and risk.
9.5. Failure to collect the order does not release the Client from the obligation to pay for the ordered works.
10. Prices and payment terms.
10.1. Prices for order realization as well as the terms of payment are determined individually with the Customer.
10.2. Shipping costs, custom packaging, image file corrections are charged extra.
10.3. The additional fee also applies to any designs, proofs and other similar preliminary work created at the express request of the Client.
10.4. The price agreed with the customer is a netto price, to which VAT tax is added.
10.5. ARW Focus may charge storage costs when Customer fails to collect the order on time.
10.6. ARW Focus reserves the right to hold the realization and release of the order in case of lack of payment of the agreed advance as well as in case of the Customer's arrears in payments for previous orders.
10.7. If the Customer is in arrears with payment for previous orders ARW Focus shall additionally have the right to charge statutory percentage.
10.8. In case of evading the payment, the Customer agrees to pass the data of the order to the debt collection company and to cover the costs of debt collection.
10.9. For new Customers, 100% prepayment is required for the first 3 orders.
10.10. The above point does not apply to ARW Focus regular customers who fulfill orders on individually agreed commercial terms.
10.11. ARW Focus has the right to demand a prepayment from the Customer for the execution of the order, if, after accepting the order, a decrease in the financial credibility of the customer was found.
10.12. In special cases, if payment is refused, ARW Focus may withdraw from the realization the order.
11. Complaints.
11.1. In case of finding any irregularities in the delivered parcel, the Customer should draw up a protocol in the carrier's presence, together with a detailed description; it is recommended to draw up documentation in the form of photographs.
11.2. The lack of a signed protocol by the representative of the shipping company deprives the Client of an effective claim for compensation.
11.3. Any damage to received parcels reported by the Customer after receipt without objection is not subject to complaint.
11.4. Lack of any part of the delivered goods does not entitle to claim the whole delivery.
11.5. In case of finding any irregularities in the order, the Customer should prepare documentation in the form of photographs - from the perspective of the entire printout as well as up close.
11.6. Non-fulfillment of agreed requirements shall be reported by the Customer to ARW Focus immediately by written notice, but not later than 3 working days after receiving the order.
11.7. Complaints after the specified period of 3 working days will be not considered
11.8. Failure to submit comments regarding the quality of the prints and the method of their processing is tantamount to acceptance of the conformity of the order with the requirements.
11.9. Using/exploitation the subject of the order by the Customer is tantamount to his acceptance of the product for use..
11.10. The Customer is obliged to provide the claimed goods to ARW Focus in order to confirm the defect.
11.11. The complaint is considered only in the case of documented incompatibilities. .
11.12. If the test printout for the order was approved by the Customer, complaints will be considered on the basis of the order and test print.
11.13. If the complaint is justified, ARW Focus may grant the Customer a discount or deliver goods free of defects immediately at its own expense.
11.14. In the case of colour printouts in all printing methods - slight deviations from the original are not subject to complaints; this also applies to comparison of proofs with the printout of the edition.
11.15. Any complaints made by the Customer will be considered immediately, but no later than 7 days after receipt of sufficient evidence of failure with agreed requirements.
11.16. Complaints are not subject to:
- Slight deviations from the colour pattern approved by the Customer
- Products damaged due to improper instalation
- Products faded due to use other than intended
- Products damaged due to improper exploitation
- Products damaged due to improper exposition
- Damaged by exposure to prolonged weather conditions
- Damaged by exposure to extreme weather conditions
- Products destroyed, damaged or modified by the Customer during instalation
- Products damaged or destroyed during transport, if they were not reported to the carrier and there was no damage protocol signed by the carrier
- Mechanical damage caused by improper use
- Dimensional deviations if they are within the ranges, described in the Table of Dimensional Tolerances
11.17. If the complaint is considered as justified for the product in use by the Customer, ARW Focus may only grant the Customer a discount.
11.18. Colour complaints will be considered only case of incompatibility of the product's colour scheme with the test print
11.19. Complaints regarding the colour scheme will not be considered valid if :
- The difference in colors is due to orders placed on different dates
- The colours of the printout is incompatible with the the sent graphic file
- The uploaded source file was saved in a format other than CMYK
- No colour scheme from PANTONE palette has been specified for the order
11.20. If, after submitting a complaint (before considering it), the Customer requests reproduction and shipment, the Customer is obliged to cover the costs of reprinting and transport costs on the basis of the issued invoice, if the complaint is not considered justified.
12. General limitation of liability.
12.1. The Customer is liable if the rights of third parties have been violated by the realization of his order.
12.2. ARW Focus is relieved of all claims by third parties due to such infringement of rights.
13. Place of performance, court of competent jurisdiction and applicable law.
13.1. The headquarters of ARW Focus in Wrocław is considered to be the place of delivery and payment .
13.2. The exclusive court for all disputes arising between the parties is the District Court in Wrocław.
13.3. In matters not covered by these provisions, the provisions of the Act of 27 July 2002 on special conditions of consumer sales and amendment of the Civil Code shall apply. (Journal Of Laws of 2002, No. 141, item 1176, of 2004, No. 96, item 959.)
13.4. These General Terms and Conditions are valid from 01/07/2020.